Livestock Disaster Kits

The best thing you can do for your livestock is to have an evacuation plan, and a safe location to take them to, such as a friend or relative who is able to house your pets until the danger passes.
You should also still have a kit ready, just in case. Here are some things you should pack in your kit:

Keep at least 7 days worth of feed in your kit – you never know how long your evacuation will last.

You should have at least 7 days worth of water in your kit (at least 12 – 20 gallons per horse) as well as large water buckets.

Keep up to date medical records on your pet, including vaccine history. Some emergency shelters may require it to house your dog. Also, keep a week’s worth of your pet’s medication in your kit – watch the expiration dates!

Permanently identify each horse by tattoo, microchip, brand, or photograph. In your records, include the horse’s age, sex, breed, and color. Keep copies of this information along with your horses’ Coggins, veterinary papers, and vital information in your “grab and go” evacuation kit.

Be sure to keep a halter and read rope in your kit with an ID tag attached, just in case your horse gets away from you.

Train animals in advance to be caught, handled, and loaded easily. Make arrangements in advance to have your horse trailered in case of an emergency. If you don’t have your own trailer or don’t have enough room in your trailer for horses, be sure you have several people on standby to help evacuate your horses.

A basic First Aid kit could prove useful in a disaster. Much of what you find in a human kit is fine for your pet as well, so you don’t necessarily have to purchase a special one just for him.

You may need to evacuate to a nearby hotel or motel. Keep a list of pet friendly places in your kit so you know where to go.
Pet Friendly Hotels in Monterey and San Luis Obispo Counties
Print your own Emergency Wallet card to keep on you
Want a more complete list of items to add to your kit? Click here