
Dogs | Cats |
DA2P-P: $25.00 | FVRCP: $25.00 |
Kennel Cough (Bordetella): $25.00 | Leukemia: $40.00 |
Rabies: $25.00 | Rabies: $25.00 |
Leptospirosis: $40.00 | Feline leukemia/FIV Test: $60.00 |
Canine Influenza: $40.00 (currently only offering boosters) |
All vaccinations by appointment only. Please make your appointment online now.
We are located at 1002 Monterey-Salinas Highway across from WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.
DA2P-P: This vaccine protects against canine distemper, canine infectious hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. Parainfluenza is one of the pathogens involved in the canine infectious respiratory disease complex. Parvovirus is a highly contagious gastrointestinal virus that typically causes bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Distemper and parvovirus vaccines are very effective in preventing disease. Vaccination lasts for 3 years (after the initial series and booster 1 year later).
Kennel Cough (Bordetella): “Kennel cough” is a catchall term for a group of symptoms caused by a variety of viruses and bacteria. The most common symptoms are a dry hacking cough and runny eyes and nose which can sometimes turn into pneumonia. Vaccination before exposure can decrease the incidence of illness but does not guarantee that an animal will not become infected. Animals recovering from kennel cough can be contagious to other dogs for several weeks after the symptoms start to resolve. Vaccination lasts for 1 year.
Rabies: All dogs and cats 12 weeks of age and older may be vaccinated. All dogs over 16 weeks of age residing in California are required to have a current rabies vaccination for their own protection as well as protection for our community. This is also recommended for cats. Dogs with current rabies vaccinations are eligible for a dog license, the purchase of which is required by law in all jurisdictions in Monterey County. Vaccination lasts for 3 years (after the initial series and booster 1 year later).
Canine Influenza: The Canine Influenza Bivalent vaccine aids in the control of Canine Influenza virus H3N8 and H3N2. This vaccine does not necessarily prevent infection, rather it seems to lessen the severity of the clinical signs that develop. It can also make an infected dog less contagious by decreasing viral shedding. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) currently does not recommended the canine influenza vaccine for every dog. The vaccine is recommended for dogs at risk for exposure to the canine influenza virus, which includes those that participate in activities with many other dogs. For example, dogs that receive the bordetella (“kennel cough”) vaccine should likely receive the canine influenza vaccine because the risk groups are similar. The vaccine requires a series of two injections 2-4 weeks apart and is not considered protective until 7-10 days after the second shot. Initial studies have shown that dogs do not maintain long duration of immunity so it is recommended to revaccinate them annually.
FVRCP: This vaccine protects against the most common causes of feline upper respiratory disease as well as the feline parvovirus. While it is very effective in preventing panleukopenia, like the kennel cough vaccine in dogs it is less effective at preventing upper respiratory disease but can result in less severe symptoms should an animal become infected. Vaccination lasts 3 years (after the initial series and booster 1 year later).
Feline Leukemia: This is a virus in cats that was first associated with leukemia in cats but now is more importantly clinically as a cause of immunosuppression in cats. Cats with FeLV are prone to recurrent infections. Vaccination lasts 1 year (after the initial series and booster 1 year later).
The SPCA also offers high quality spay & neuter services and microchips at an affordable price for dogs and cats in our community. Contact us at 831-264-5400 or find us on Yelp!