Reactive Rover
Reactive Rover
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Dogs that bark, lunge, or act frustrated or fearfully towards strangers, dogs, children, animals, or anything that moves can be challenging to walk. They can be difficult or dangerous to handle because some dogs pull on leash or resort to biting when aroused or stressed. If your dog is unruly on walks and does not respond to treats or cues, you may not be experiencing an obedience problem, but one of emotion. Dogs that react in this manner need specialized training to help them with the fear, frustration, or anxiety they feel.
Our Reactive Rover program consists of our general webinar and our full, two-month long class. We also
offer in person training once the class has been completed.
Does your dog lunge, bark, and act up on leash when he or she sees other dogs? This 75 minute lecture will help you gain an understanding of what reactivity is, why it happens, and strategies we use to help train your dog for better behavior.
The link for the webinar will be sent after signup is complete.  If you want further training and intend to sign up for the Reactive Rover Online Class or private training for reactivity, you must watch the video first and complete the short quiz after watching the video. If you are merely interested in the subject, just enjoy the video! Sign up here.
Reactive Rover Lecture Webinar and complete the quiz. Reactive Rover Online Class is for any dog that barks, lunges, or reacts to people, dogs, moving objects, or any other stimuli. This is an intensive 8 week long class that will teach you about your dog’s reactivity and the methods we use to resolve the behavior. This is a very content rich class, with homework that includes behavior modification, training cues, loose leash walking, relaxation protocols, through reading and watching videos. We expect each student to attend class each week and follow through with homework. Class also includes a weekly 1 hour Zoom meeting to review and discuss observations and training. Start the journey that will help you and your dog feel more confident
about your walks! Sign up here.
How do online classes work?
Clients are often unsure about working online in a class or privately with our behavior specialists. We meet using online video to help our dog owners stay on track with training and share our weekly experiences. After class, you are sent written homework exercises with our video links demonstrating how to train these exercises to your dog. We also provide an easy way to send your instructors videos of any size or length for critiques, brags, or problems experienced during training. This is how we create that two-way dialogue to help you improve your training techniques. Our group classes are a bit different as we spend quite a bit of time talking about any simple behavioral
needs of dogs in class. If you can do email, you can train online with us!